BusyConf has strong integration with the Google Analytics platform. By simply sharing your public Google Analytics Tracking ID number, BusyConf will start to send analytics data directly to your Google Analytics account!

To start, enter you Google Analytics Tracking ID number for your event by visiting Event → Theme in the BusyConf management interface.

Ecommerce Tracking

When Google Analytics Tracking is enabled, BusyConf will automatically start sending Ecommerce Tracking information so that you can collect and analyze purchase and transaction data.

The Ecommerce reports allow you to analyze purchase activity for all of your ticket sales sold through BusyConf. You can see ticket and transaction information, average order value, ecommerce conversion rate, time to purchase, and other valuable data.

Custom Campaign Tracking

To better track your event’s marketing efforts on the web, via email, and on social media, you can setup custom campaign parameters that BusyConf will automatically use and send to Google Analytics. Use this information to track the conversions of particular advertising campaigns. We recommend using the Google Analytics URL Builder to setup custom campaign links.

The URL builder helps you add parameters to URLs you use in custom web-based or email ad campaigns. When users click one of the custom links, the unique parameters are sent to your Analytics account, so you can identify the URLs that are most effective in attracting users to your event.

Rewritten Paths

To keep attendee and speaker data anonymous and allow for more uniformed data aggregation within your Google Analytics account, BusyConf rewrites the URL paths that are sent to Google Analytics.

Ticket Registration Paths

The following paths are sent to your Google Analytics account during the attendee ticket registration workflow:

Step 1: /busyconf/registration/ticket_quantities
The initial sales page where ticket quantities are selected.

Step 2: /busyconf/registration/ticket_info
Represents the page that asks for attendee details per ticket.

Step 3: /busyconf/registration/checkout
Represents the page that asks for payment information.

Sold: /busyconf/registration/purchase
Represents a sales conversion and displays the receipt (only sent once per purchase).

Receipt: /busyconf/registration/receipt
Represents when a buyer returns to a receipt.

Waitlist: /busyconf/registration/waitlist
Represents when a buyer choses to join the waitlist for an unavailable ticket offer.

Call for Proposals Paths

The following paths are sent to your Google Analytics account during the speaker proposal workflow:

Form: /busyconf/proposal/form
Represents a visit to the proposal form.

Complete:: /busyconf/proposal/submitted
Represents a speaker proposal submission.

Review: /busyconf/proposal/show
Represents when a speaker returns to the proposal review page.

Closed: /busyconf/proposal/closed
Represents when someone tries to visit the proposal form after the call for proposals deadline was closed.

Schedule Paths

The following paths are sent to your Google Analytics when an attendee visits the offline-enabled HTML5 schedule for your event.

Desktop Schedule: /busyconf/schedule/full
Represents a visit to the Desktop and Tablet versions of the schedule including latops and iPads.

Mobile Schedule: /busyconf/schedule/mobile
Represents a visit to the Smartphone versions of the schedule including iPhone and Android.

Cross-Domain Tracking New Universal Analytics (analytics.js)

It is possible to keep the same analytics user information from your site visitors to BusyConf. This is called cross-domain tracking. For more information, visit Google’s Cross-Domain Tracking (analytics.js) guide.

This section still needs to be completed for Google's new universal tracking code. Meanwhile, please read the documentation from Google.

Cross-Domain Tracking Old Google Analytics (ga.js)

It is possible to keep the same analytics user information from your site visitors to BusyConf. This is called cross-domain tracking. For more information, visit Google’s Tracking Multiple Domains (ga.js) guide.

To start, ensure that _setAllowLinker is turned on in your site’s Google Analytics preamble.

_gaq.push(['_setAllowLinker', true]);

Intregrating that with the rest of your Google Analytics preamble will look something like this:

var _gaq = _gaq || [];
_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXXXXX-Y']);
_gaq.push(['_setAllowLinker', true]);

You will need to call the _link method for any links that you want to enable cross-domain tracking. One way to do this is with the onclick attribute on every link.

<a href="https://YOUR-CONF-SUBDOMAIN.busyconf.com/bookings/new"
   onclick="_gaq.push(['_link', this.href]); return false;">
    Register Now

Manually updating every link in your site can be cumbersome. If jQuery is enabled on your site, there is a better approach.

Here is a jQuery plugin that will automatically enable cross-domain tracking on your site for all links that point to busyconf.com.

(function($) {
  $(document).ready(function() {

  $.fn.crossDomainAnalytics = function() {
    _gaq = _gaq || [];
    return this.click(function() {
      _gaq.push(['_link', this.href]);
      return false;