Career Up

Summers can really pass by fast, can’t they? I know mine definitely has. Almost three months ago, I started my internship here at BusyConf. At the time, I was unsure what to expect but knew I was on a path with ample opportunity. Reflecting back upon this, I can confirm my predictions were right.

Between the sparks of random conversation and some of the best sandwiches I’ve ever had (thanks to Puccio’s), this internship brought me priceless experience and knowledge I would have otherwise never gained. I got to experience what working on a full software-as-a-service application is like, as well as the business behind it. The new languages and programming techniques challenged what I had taught myself before, raising my abilities and refining my workflow.

A couple of key points I took away from my summer here:

  1. Collaboration is a key part to any workflow. Working on a task while being able to communicate with others produces better, high quality work often in less time than when working solo. You also learn more while doing so, which is a huge plus.
  2. Working with more experienced co-workers can advance your skills faster than you think. I learned a lot over this summer, and I know my style of programming has drastically improved from what it was before I started working at BusyConf thanks to the knowledge of others.
  3. Challenge yourself often. I faced many challenges while working for BusyConf, with quickly learning new languages and workflows among them. While seemingly difficult at first, the end product improved my skill set and polished my techniques.
  4. Always maintain good programming practices. No matter what the project or purpose might be, always seek the best possible way to get something done, and make sure it’s clean. You’ll end up with a better product, as well as prevent headaches down the road.

Of course, these were only a fraction of the vast quantity of things I learned over the past three months. My entire skill set has been sharpened from priceless experiences and learning opportunities I will never lose, and they’ve prepared me to expand that knowledge even more. Thank you, BusyConf, for a fantastic summer!

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published by Stuart Olivera

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